Coach Carter

They're standing on the edge of a cliff.
All we gotta do is push them off.

We're gonna run Candy.
Worm, you gotta sell them
the pass to Damien.

Junior, we come to you
on the weak-side seal.

But, gentlemen,
just because you deserve this

doesn't mean they're gonna
give it to you.

Sometimes you gotta take
what's yours. You ready to do this?

- Hell, yeah.
- Let's go.

- All right, hands in.
- Come on, take this.

Richmond on three.
One, two, three, Richmond!

- Careful of the foul, all right? Let's go.
- I got you. 1-4, 1-4!

- All right.
- Defense! Mustangs!

Let's go, let's go, let's go.
Candy! Candy!
Ball, Damien.
- Move, move.
- Help, help.

Get back, get back, get back!
Junior, get back!
Hands up!
Yeah, that's what I'm
talking about, baby. Yeah!
