Corpse Bride

But then again,
she never approved of anything:

Do you think
she would have approved of me?

You're lucky
you'll never have to meet her:

Well, actually:::
:::now that you mention it,
l think you should:

ln fact, since we're, you know:::
you should definitely meet her:

And my father too: We should go
and see them right now:

What a fantastic idea!
Where are they buried?

-What? What is it?
-They're not from around here:

Where are they?
Oh, they're still alive:
-l'm afraid so:
-Well, that is a problem:

What's that, Scraps?
Oh, no, we couldn't possibly:
-Oh, well, if you put it like that:

Elder Gutknecht:
Elder Gutknecht:::
:::are you there?
Hello? ls anyone home?
There you are!
Oh, my dear: There you are:
l've brought my husband, Victor:
What's that? Husband?
Pleasure to meet you, sir:
We need to go up: Upstairs?
To visit the land of the living:

Land of the living?
Oh, my dear:
Please, Elder Gutknecht:
Now, why go up there, when
people are dying to get down here?
