Dark Water

- What do my parents have to do with this?
- That's my question exactly.

What's more relevant is that your husband
says you suffer from crippling migraines

and paranoid delusions.
He says he'll submit school reports
that show your daughter
is beginning to share your fantasy life.

"Cecilia is now having trouble
distinguishing between
what is real and what is not."

It's a lie. It's a lie.
In child custody briefs, it's standard
to make these kinds of accusations.

Don't take it too seriously.
But I do need to know what, if anything,
in your husband's narrative

has some semblance, some shred of fact
that he might produce in court.

Well, I get migraines.
Yeah. That's true.

But they've never interfered
with my ability to do anything.

You can talk to my doctor about that. He'll
tell you they've certainly never crippled me.

As for Ceci, I think
she's a little bit Ionely right now.

Her father's abandoned her and she was
forced to move from her neighbourhood.

she's developed an imaginary friend.
But that's normal.

That's fine. But for future reference, when
you're talking to, for example, a judge,

I would stay away from phrases like,
"her father's abandoned her".

It's important, when the other side
is being so melodramatic,

- to sound like we're the sane ones.
- Right.

- That's all I'm saying.
- OK.

- I'd like to notch that.
- Oh, yeah, man.

Hey, sweetheart.
- Mommy?
- Yeah.

- Look what Daddy gave me.
- Wow.
