Dorian Blues

there talki ng about
h is life, not mi ne.

Look at that smile lik e he
grew up i n a b lue jeans ad.

Hey whoa, hold on a sec
N ick, let 'em tak e y ou i n.

Really had to
twist h is arm, hu h?

See, confidence for my
brother was nev er an issue.

I don 't care if its
with women, guys...

Oh, great, company.
Yeah, don 't ask me her name.
Yeah, H i.
How are ya?

Good to see ya.
No, it's OK N ick.
Go on, play.
I env ied h im, 'cause
he was so normal.

Dad lo v ed normal.
There's Dad now,
fix i n ' the old set.

Dad was usually
i n a fou I mood.

Th is, actually is one of
h is more spiritual momen ts.

And there's mom,
rolli ng those pennies.

Th is is about 14
years back now.

The fu neral I showed y ou
is still a few years off.

Th is is where we start.
Bush, the father, was
i n the Wh ite House.

I was a senior i n h igh
school, my brother, N icky,

a Ju nior, and Dad was
i n h is ragi ng prime.

Of course it
wasn 't all yelli ng.

There was the di nner hour,
when we discussed politics...

or, more accurately,
Dad discussed, we agreed.

There was an u nwritten
ru le i n our house:

Y ou did not disagree
with my father directly,

especially about politics.
So, to ex ert y our
i ndiv iduality y ou simply...

agreed with h im i n the most
origi nal way y ou cou Id fi nd.

Wel I, that was our m istake i n
g iv i ng up Vietnam was that we...

gave the commu n ists the
idea that we d id n't have...

the res o lve for a lo ng fig ht.
U h, and that our free press
was always go i ng to u nderm i ne us.

Wel I put.
Well put.
You k now N icky, y ou make more
sense than men twice y our age.

I mean does n't he,
does n't he?

Go od j ob, s o n.
But as th is particu lar di nner
con ti nued, and Dad wen t on,

certai n of ev eryth i ng,
someth i ng v ery nerv e-wracki ng...

began to happen to me.
For the first time i n my life,
I began to get the urge to disagree.

The more I fough t the urge,
the more it grew, and grew, u n til...
