Dorian Blues

and the lo v e pri nce Dorian felt
for pri nce Ben cast out...

all Dorian 's spells
of depression...

and gav e h im the strength of
ten gay men... or sev en straigh t.

Ben, y ou gotta come with us
to keg n ig ht at Jess ie's Barn.

- We're there.
- Rig ht?

- Abs o lutely.
- Great.

Let's see, mus ic and beer
with friends or stay home...

and have imag i nary fig hts
with my step mother?

Let me see...
O h no, wait we can't Friday.
- Why not?
- I meant to tel I y ou.

My paren ts are comi ng to town
on Friday and they wan t...

to tak e us to di nner.
I'm meeti ng y our parents?

Wel I, I to Id them I was bri ng i ng
a friend alo ng, y ou k now.

Just the though t of meeti ng
Ben 's paren ts sen t me...

i n to my newest affliction;
hyperv en tilation.
I'd nev er met any one's
paren ts before.

Literally, the only
paren ts I'd met were my own,

and that didn 't go v ery well.
I was terrified
they'd suspect.

Suspect what?
That we're more
than j ust friends.

Does n't y our brother
i ntroduce h is guy budd ies ...

to y our parents al I the time?
- Yeah.
- Same th i ng.

You th i nk?
Sure, they wo n't
suspect a th i ng.

U n less, of course, y ou do
s ometh i ng to tip them off.

I'm kidd i ng.
J ust kidd i ng.

So Dorian, how's y our steak?
It's awes ome.
It's awes ome.
So how lo ng have
y ou two been lo vers?

- Relax. They already k now.
- What?

- We k now!
- We k now!

They're super-I iberal,
they do n't care.

- We do n't care!
- We do n't care!

Dorian's parents are creep y
u ltra-co nservatives, s o ...

Th is is ki nd of
creep y, to o, actual ly.

I cou Idn 't believ e my life.
I had met my sou I mate.
