Edvard Munch

I hear when you come home.
And not just that. I know by the smell.

At this time in Kristiania,
a small core of radical writers,
artists and students

are gathering to protest
the existing order.

Their spokesman, Hans Jæger,
writer and anarchist,

who urges his followers
to overthrow bourgeois society
with its moral code

and replace it
with a decentralized structure

based entirely upon
the human capacity

for love and feeling.
All evil can be traced to Christianity.
Christianity suppresses
man's vital desires.

What is a "respectable human being"?
One who's not out at night
drinking with people like that.

Be quiet, so that I may
speak with Edvard.

Have you told your parents
that you don't believe in God?

I don't want to say I don't.
Why not? Can't you follow
your own free will?

When Edvard Munch tells Jæger
of his repeated quarrels
with his father,

Jæger tells him
to take a pistol, go home

and shoot him dead.
Are you out drinking?
- Drinking? A glass of beer?
- You smell of spirits, too.

That dreadful Jæger you mix with,
he's the Antichrist incarnate.
Jæger's group, referred to
by the Kristiania middle-class as

the Boheme and by Georg Brandes
as "that wild gypsy bunch",
