Edvard Munch

a lyric poet in colour.
He feels colours, feels in colours,
but he does not see them.

He sees sorrow
and crying and brooding
and withering.
"The river flows so slowly
Flows and flows and flows.

"And daylight goes, goes.
"Night will soon be here.
"The light shines out of my room.
"Turns to regard me
In silence and in anxiety.

"It knows he is coming."
Was it that she was so much
more beautiful than others?

No, I don't even know
if she was beautiful.

Her mouth was big.
She could be ugly.

In my article in the Mercure de France
I refer to this work by Gauguin.
I explain that it is the duty
of the new artist to choose between

the numerous elements
which make up objectivity.

He is also entitled to distort, to emphasize,
to exaggerate line, form and colour

in accordance with his personal vision
and individual subjectivity.
