Edvard Munch

This canvas marks a major development
in the work of Edvard Munch.

It develops still further
the flat application of colour areas,

the lack of perspective,
the tension between
space and surface.

It is dismissed by the critics
as a "sketch".

Edvard Munch is now seeking to take
the practical artistic consequences

of what lies behind
the theories of the Symbolists.

He wants to realize them
in all-powerful subjectivity,

to pass on what he and he alone,
experiences from the motif

at the very moment that he grips it,
or that he is gripped by it.
I walked along the road with two friends.
The sun went down.

I felt it like a melancholy sigh.
Suddenly the sky became blood red.
I stopped.

I leaned against the fence
tired to death.

I saw the flaming sky
like blood, like a sword
over the fjord and the town.
My friends continued on.
I stood there shaking in anguish.

I felt it like a great
endless scream through nature.
The German Kaiser visits London,
hoping that Britain will agree

to the Triple Alliance
with Austria and Italy.

There is civil war in Chile,
widespread famine in Russia.
Munch now paints and exhibits
a portrait of his sister Inger.

Another breakthrough.
Perspective has vanished.

Space and surface are one.
But this canvas, and his work
known as Despair,
