Edvard Munch

and Munch is ordered
to remove his "Schmiererei".

The Kunstchronik charges
Edvard Munch

with "brutality, crudity
and baseness of expression."

The National-Zeitung accuses
"this man E. Blunch"

of selling himself body and soul
to the French Impressionists.

Edvard Munch has arrived
in Imperial Germany.

One critic even states
that Munch knows next to nothing

and should only exhibit
if he is in dire peril

of dying of starvation.
I went to the Rotunda for a laugh.
Theodor Wolff,
editor of the Berliner Tageblatt.

But, my God, I didn't laugh.
I found a great deal that was strange,
even disgusting

but I also found tones that were delicate,
almost too sensitive.

A dark room washed through
with moonlight. Lonely roads.

The secretive Norwegian summer night.
I felt as though I heard
the breathing of melancholy people

struggling with their problems.
No sound came from their breasts.
They sat alone by the shore.
My God, I didn't laugh.
