Edvard Munch

They stopped.
Brandt looked at the large house,
sombre-looking between the trees.

The maids had gone to bed.
Then it was as if he was supposed
to say something

but was unable to find the words.
"I have to go," she said slowly.
He put out his hand
and took hers without shaking it.

"Goodbye then," he said and left.
"She was a swan.
"I lived down in the water
among slime and horrible animals,

"remembered a time
time when I lived up there.

"I forced myself up,
reached for the swan.

"Couldn't reach it.
"I saw my face, terribly pale.
"I heard a shriek and I knew
it was I who had cried.

"The swan was far away."
Constantly seeking
other forms of graphic art,

Munch moves to etching
and aquatint,

the use of acid
to bite the image,

and a base of cooked resin powder
to give added texture.

His theme, a man comforting
a crying woman.
