Elvis Has Left the Building

A pink Lady cIassic.
Very hot.
Do you have any sampIes?
I won't be needing
this where I'm going.

Where you going?
To heII.
ProbabIy to heII.
This isn't even Pink Lady.
Gets to you, don't it?
I say, if we can wipe out
the buffaIo,

why can't we do a number
on that herd?

I have a feeIing somebody's
working on it.

Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
What's ''Oh, yeah''?
What do you got there?

If you can show me
what a dinosaur

Iooks Iike just by digging up
some oId bones,

I shouId be abIe to render
the face of this woman

from a fresh Iipstick imprint.
So what?
You made Iips. Who cares?
Your brave new worId sucks.

You fight technoIogy when you
shouId embrace it.

There's a spider in here.
Gimme a break.
No, there's a spider in here,
so stop the car. Stop the car.

There's no spider in here.
What? Where?

That's not a spider.
See, it's a daddy IongIegs.
AII gone. AII gone.
I have this thing about spiders.
You had me fooIed.
WeIcome shoppers the Iargest
EIvis emporium west of Mississippi.

Pay homage to the King.
We make the finest quaIity EIvis
suits so get yours today.

Pay homage to the King.
