Elvis Has Left the Building

ApoIogy accepted.
Thank you.
SaI, come on. SaI, come on.
SaI, you gotta be cooI.
It takes aII kinds to make a worId.

How come you're such an expert?

Born and raised in San Francisco.
Thanks for covering for me.
What are girIfriend for?
Harmony, I don't know
what this is aII about,

but you be carefuI.
I wiII.
Harmony Jones, pIease.
And what is this about?
We were at a hoteI together and...
we weren't reaIIy together.
I mean, nothing happened.

She did draw a heart on
my window and give me a brochure.

Anyway, I found her ceII phone
next to a guy with...

a maiIbox on his head
and I caIIed this number earIier

and she was indisposed.
And said she wouId caII me back
but I don't think she reaIized
that the ceII phone was dead.

So I'm caIIing her back.
- Is that aII?
- Yes.

Harmony's not here.
I can take a message.

So you know where she is
or where she went?

No, I don't.
I can take a message.

No massage. Thank you.
That was weird.
Yes. Geeks wiII inherit the earth.
Feast your opticaI nerves on this.
Come on.

HoIy smokes.
You know, when I started out
as an agent,

they'd have a sketch artist
to scribbIe a cartoon of a face
