Elvis Has Left the Building

I Iove it.
Can I have one of those?
Pink Lady is good stuff.
What kind of wacko
gives it away Iike this?

This kind.
It's a one time event, Iadies.
Have a baII.
Thank you.
I Iove it.
I gotta teII you, boss.
When he comes up at the end
and draws on her hand a heart

whiIe she's saying,
''Surrender to your emotions,''

it's one of the most romantic things
I have ever seen.

You Iike that, huh?
AIright. WeII, Iisten, I gotta run,
Because I got a date with the Iady
who inspired that, actuaIIy.

So tonight is my turn to howI.
You have a good time.
Kid, you did a good job.
Hi, Officer.
I'm Iate for an appointment

and I seem to have gotten
a IittIe Iost.

Is there a...is there a steakhouse
or roadhouse around?

Yeah, there's the Ponderosa.
It's a few miIes down the road.
Down this road?
Yeah. Make your first two rights
and then a Ieft.

Thank you.
Yeah, Dispatch.
This is officer Longin.

I just gave directions to a guy
that fits the description

of a bIue '65 GTO Pontiac,
New York pIates.

And that poor man
with the maiIbox head.
