Ethan Mao

Hello May... it's Abe here
Yes, something came up and
we're not coming over anymore

Yeah. Sarah's not feeling well
Yeah... okay... I'm sorry. Hold on

She wants to talk to you
Hi, May. I got a really
bad stomachache

We'll give it to you
some other time

Listen, say hi to Chuen for me
and have fun. And Ethan

Ethan, you have
humiliated us enough

They got the point
I don't know what more
you want from us

We'll give you what you came for
And we'll listen to all your
reasonable demands
in the meantime

But please, untie us!
Do we have a deal?

I want your word
You have my word
So this is a done deal
And no one is gonna
do anything contrary. Josh?

You have my word
Sarah? And Noel?
