Fever Pitch

Well, do you?
You know what you need to do? You need to
go to his apartment and go through his things.

You need to go through his closets,
sofa cushions. You need to get on his computer.

And what exactly
am I looking for?

Anything that explains
why he’s still single.

My company can run
a credit check on him.

You know, he could be
a deadbeat dad.

This is an insane asylum.
So, uh, when they wheeled out
Ted Williams at the all-star game-

I was there.
I was 10 feet away from him.

Old men crying.

Tough old guys.
I even started
to lose it, you know.

I got a program.
I could show you.

If Lindsey ever breaks up
with you, I'll kill her.

Lindsey, do you remember
that guy Maureen Durst went out with?

- Uh, sort of. Why?
- Terry what’s-his-name?

We all thought
he was great too.

- Well, what happened?
- Oh, my God. She went to his apartment and-

Shh. My story. Stand by.
She's at his place.
He's in the shower.

She wants to make the bed, so she goes
to the closet. Guess what she finds.

Oh, I don't know.
What'd she find?

Two large plastic bags containing
all of the hair and nail clippings...

from his entire life.
- Eww!
- That's a true story.

I'm telling you, there is a reason
this Ben guy is still single.
