First Descent

Snowboarders seem to be
a little wilder and take up more room.

We were standing in line
and three of them cut in front ofus.

We just didn't want to bug with them
because we thought they
might have guns or something.

And I think, as I look back in my career,
when it was really a bad boy image,

snowboarders, I must admit,
deserved some of the criticism
they were getting.

They're looking down at you,
and you like that, though,
when you're a kid.

"Yeah, I'm a scumbag.
I'm riding a snowboard."

What it did is gave you
that angst and that energy
to go out and prove them wrong.

You know, prove to them
that you could go out and enjoy it
just as much or more than they could.

There was some behavior
and attitude problems.

There was a lot of language
from both sides.

I hope you get hit in the face.
You're an asshole to everyone
who goes by here.

You got a kid with
a lot of freedom in his mind...

and someone turning around,
telling him,you know, "I hate snowboarders. "

So, he turns around and is, like,
"I'm going to do what I want. "

And then it turned into,
like, almost a mental war.

They just weren't ready to let go of their skis
and get on a snowboard.

Even though
I'm a little bit of a geezer,

I've been snowboarding myself
full-time for six years.

I've never been back on skis.
I took it up when I was 60
and just ride with
all the young guys around here.

It's great.
I've been totally hooked for six years,
and I just don't ski anymore.

usually, I don't ride with people
in these mountains...

unless they're really good
at using all the safety equipment-

probe pole, beacon, harness.
You need to know who's in your group
and what kind of skills they have
with this type of gear,

because it could be my life
that they're trying to save.


Me and Farm
dug them both out in four minutes.

That's survivable time with no
brain damage or anything like that.
Maybe some hypothermia.

So if they beat four minutes,
then I'm gonna say, "Yeah,
they were listening real good."

If they don't beat four minutes
and it comes to seven, to eight,

now, potentially,
we have a body recovery instead of,
you know, saving your friend.

All right, this way.
So, we'll see.
