Four Brothers

Ain't nobody playing no basketball
when that shit went down, okay?

Why you think cops
ain't arrest nobody?

What the hell is he doing?
How do you know nobody was playing
basketball if you weren't there?

Because, bitch, police said those
people wasn't killed till 11:00.

- So what?
- So they turn the court lights out at 10!

- Let's go. Let's go.
- Now, where we going, man?

The fuck y'all taking me?
You little bastards need
to stay in school.

That's what you get
for calling my brother a bitch.

I hope you all have
a very nice evening.

It's 10:02, and these
fucking lights are still on.

I know you know
who did this, homeboy.

This is bullshit. Let's pop
this motherfucker right now.

- Speak up on it, man.
- Bobby, take it easy.

- Shut up, Jack. Come on.
- Look, what..?

Yo, man, they gonna shut off!
They gonna shut off, man!

Only lights that are going off
are yours. Let's go.

Look, look, look. Look.
You're fucking lucky.
Told you.
Man, y'all fools been played.
Get off of me, man!

Y'all don't even know
who you messing with, man.

Questioning me about the lights
being off and all that.

Why don't you shut the fuck up, man?
You talk too much.

Jack, it was a questionable kill.
What makes you think that?
Boy, it's sad,
you growing up without a father.

Nobody taught you anything,
did they?

I should've stayed around longer and
held your little hand, huh, sweetheart?

Whatever, man.
Look, sometimes pros will cover up
their shots with another crime.

Like a burglary or something.
Then pay a witness to throw
the cops on to the wrong suspect.

You understand?
Why would anybody wanna kill
the sweetest woman
in the goddamn world?

I don't know, Jackie. I don't know.
All right, I'm here.
- What?
- Last night we found out
