
overriding other plates...
plunging to destruction
within the interior
from which they formed.

The movements of the plates
are sustained

by the continuous creation
of new earth's crust

The process- one of four
major tectonic processes-

is called "seafloor spreading."
lt occurs
within the central rifts

of the great mid-ocean ridges
which wind for 40,000 miles
across the ocean floors.

Beneath these rifts,
Earth's crust is thinnest

and the pressures of the magma
rising from the fiery interior

are relentless.
The magma forces its way upward
entering the rift
between the plates

spreading the seafloor,
breaking to its surface

in spectacular
undersea lava forms.

Along this great system
of mid-ocean ridges

suddenly volcanoes are born
and ashy islands,
black and burning

are thrust up out of the sea.
We are witnessing the birth
of the island of Surtsey

near lceland.
For months,
this tiny ashen island

waged a battle for survival
against the sea.

lts survival depended
on the surfacing of lava
from deep within the rift-

lava which would armor Surtsey
against the waves
of the north Atlantic.

Surtsey had become
the newest battleground

in Earth's oldest war-
ln cessant forces of erosion,
relentless powers of creation.
