
Had not the climates and weather
constantly changed

with the drift of the continents
newer, more adaptive life-forms
would not have evolved

to displace older species.
Mamal might never
have succeeded reptile.

Man might never
have gained dominion

over all the fish and fowl
and over every living thing
that moveth upon the Earth.

Man has been uniquely favored
by the forces which move
and alter the Earth's crust

yet through all his history
he has remained a hostage
to their powers of destruction.

As new earth's crust is created
in the spreading rifts
and ridges of the earth

older crust is destroyed
in a second great tectonic
process called "subduction."

When an ocean floor plate
collides with a continental plate
the havier seafloor plate
is subducted.

lt fractures
and plunges beneath the thicker,
more buoyant continental plate

creating an ocean tranch.
moving inches in years,
the great slab descends

generating deep earthquakes
when it moves.

The heat of friction
and of the Earth's interior
