Good Night, and Good Luck.

In 1935 Ed Murrow
began his career with CBS.

When World War II broke out...
:02:40 was his voice that brought
the Battle of Britain home to us...

...through his
"This is London" radio series.

He started with us all,
many of us here tonight...

...when television was in its infancy...
...with the news documentary show,
See It Now.

He threw stones at giants.
exploitation of migrant workers...

...apartheid, J. Edgar Hoover...
...not the least of which,
his historical fight with Senator McCan'thy.

He is the host of our enormously
popular show Person to Person...

...and tonight he is here
with his son, Casey, wife, Janet...

...and all of you
who he's worked with, inspired...

...lectured and taught.
Ladies and gentlemen...
...the Radio-Television News Directors
Association and Foundation...

...welcomes Mr. Edward R. Murrow.
This might just do nobody any good.
At the end of this discourse
a few people may accuse this reporter...
