Good Night, and Good Luck.

...anyone who does not share his hysterical
disregard for decency and human dignity...

...and the rights guaranteed
by the Constitution...

...must be either a Communist
or a fellow traveler.

I fully expected this treatment.
The senator added this reporter's name to
a long list of individuals and institutions...

...he has accused of serving
the Communist cause.

His proposition is very simple:
Anyone who criticizes or opposes
Senator McCan'thy's methods...

...must be a Communist.
And if that be true, there are an
awful lot of Communists in this country.

For the record let's consider briefly
some of the senator's charges.

He claimed but offered no proof...
...that I had been a member of
the Industrial Workers of the World.

That is false.
I was never a member of the IWW,
never applied for membership.

The senator charged that
Professor Harold Laski...

...a British scholar and politician,
dedicated a book to me.

That's true.
He is dead.
He was a socialist, I am not.
He was one
of those civilized individuals...

...who did not insist upon agreement
with his political principles...

:23:07 a precondition for
conversation or friendship.

I do not agree with his political ideas.
Laski, as he makes clear
in the introduction...

...dedicated the book to me,
not because of political agreement...

...but because he held my wartime
broadcasts from London in high regard.

And the dedication so reads.
I believed 20 years ago
and I believe today...

...that mature Americans can engage
in conversation and controversy...

...the clash of ideas...
...with Communists
anywhere in the world...

...without becoming
contaminated or converted.

I believe that our faith, our conviction...
...our determination
are stronger than theirs...

...and that we can compete,
and successfully...

...not only in the area of bombs...
...but in the area of ideas.
I have worked with CBS
for more than 19 years.

The company has subscribed fully
to my integrity and responsibility...
