Grizzly Man

I'm out in the prime cut
of the big green.

Behind me is Ed and Rowdy, members
of an up-and-coming subadult gang.

They're challenging everything, including me.
Goes with the territory.

If I show weakness,
if I retreat,

I may be hurt,
I may be killed.

I must hold my own
if I'm gonna stay within this land.

For once there is weakness,
they will exploit it, they will take me out,

they will decapitate me,
they will chop me into bits and pieces.

I'm dead.
But so far, I persevere.
Most times
I'm a kind warrior out here.

Most times, I am gentle,
I am like a flower,

I'm like... I'm like
a fly on the wall,

observing, noncommittal,
noninvasive in any way.

Occasionally I am challenged.
And in that case,

the kind warrior must,
must, must become a samurai.

Must become so,
so formidable,
so fearless of death,
so strong
that he will win, he will win.
Even the bears will believe
that you are more powerful.

And in a sense
you must be more powerful

if you are to survive in this land
with the bear.

No one knew that.
No one ever friggin' knew

that there are times when my life
is on the precipice of death
