Grizzly Man

he reached thousands and thousands
of school children

who would remember
his fabulous storytelling

as one of the highlights
of their school years.

He took his mission
so seriously

that he never solicited for a fee.
Over time, he reached the status
of a national celebrity.

Timothy Treadwell is crazy
about grizzly bears.

How crazy? Sometimes...
It was as if he had become a star
by virtue of his own invention.
I would be within
the physical presence of bears

24 hours a day
for months at a time.

This is... crazy.
This is nuts.

These are the most dangerous animals
on the face of the earth.

- Well...
- And you want to go

and put yourself in harm's way
24 hours a day?

I think they've been misunderstood.
How can I believe that if you are
about to be killed by a bear,

that you wouldn't say, "I made a mistake.
I'd like to have a gun"?

I would never, ever kill a bear
in defense of my own life.

Would not go into a bear's home
and kill a bear.

One day, I came home
and I was sitting on my patio.
My wife was in the bedroom
with the TV on.

And I heard her scream.
And I thought
she'd fallen or something.

I came in and she was sitting
on the edge of the bed,

staring at the television.
I looked at the television,
and I saw Timmy's face.
I hadn't heard the sound
or the news yet,

but I knew just by seeing
Timmy's face on TV

and hearing
my wife's reaction,

that the worst had happened.
Not necessarily a surprise,
but... the worst.
