Grizzly Man

He was just laying here
pretty much lifeless.

And this is right where...
where the bear...

I told them at the time, I said,
"This is the bear that killed Tim."

I knew, 'cause that was the same bear
that I had seen down here

looking at me right through
the alder bushes there.

So I knew this was the bear.
I said, "Yep, that'll be the one."

That wound up being the bear
that they found Tim in.
I'm here on camera with Olie, the big old bear.
The big old grumpy bear.

He just took Cracker
out of the creek area.

There's not a lot of fish here
so you can understand him wanting
to have control of the creek.

He's acting like
an alpha male here.

Which, I guess, for the fact that he is
the only male here, he is the alpha male.

At any rate, he's also...
He's a surly bear.

I met him on the path
the other day,

after feeling sorry for him, thinking
that he was a bit thin, a bit gaunt...

And he promptly charged me
with the intent to probably strike.

I know the language
of the bear.

I was able to deter him from doing that,
and I'm fine.

But I will tell you something.
It is the old bear, one who is struggling
for survival,

and an aggressive one at that,
who is the one
that you must be very careful of.

For these are the bears,
that on occasion,

do, for survival,
kill and eat humans.

Could Olie, the big old bear,
possibly kill and eat Timothy Treadwell?

What do you think, Olie?
I think if you were weak around him,

you're going down his gullet,
going down the pipe.

Right up top of the hill here
is where we found

what was left of Tim's body...
his head and a little bit of backbone.

And we found
a hand, arm,
wristwatch still on the arm.

I remember the watch.
Shoot, I can remember the watch.
