Habana Blues

got together
and declded...
No more rumbal
What was that emaiI about?
What do you mean, Miami?

l can't, l'm working.
I don't want to see
those conceited assholes.

Don'texplain the obvious.
Of course I know we need them.

l realIy don't want to go.
Fine, I'll go. Okay.

Let me know.
Yeah, we've seen
some good stuffhere.

Good ideas, good concept,
bad producing.

Don't fIatter me,
you know I don't Iike it.

EspeciaIIy when l'm pissed off.
Okay, bye.

Coming through, gentIemen.
Don't askwho we are,
or who we were,

or where we were born,
or how we survlve.
Don't worry, what matters
isn't how we got here.
You should sign these guys
right away.

They're leaving for France
next week.

They're awesome.
ReaIly great stuff.

-They're leaving next week?

...overcoming adverslty.
You're riding a star,
so don't turn back.

lt may be rough,
but don't turn back.

You're riding a star
so don't turn back.

We can't take anymore
of all this corruption!
For years my people
have faced oppression!
-All we can do is fight!

Strength in unlty!
We'll never betray
the future of the nation!
