Habana Blues

Street ratrapper,
rum rompln'robber,

running down the boardwalk.
The rat steals rum
cuz there's cheese in the cellar.

The ratuses hls hands to steal,
not to work.
l use mine to paint,

play and fly.
And to glve my mom a hug
or my dad.
Not to steal, brother.
That'll make your face stlnk.
The street rat rapper
plays tough,

jumping from wall to wall
ln the cellar. He's no frog,
he's a kangaroo.
The rat's tlme will come,
hls path will lead hlm astray.

Maybe on a rainy night
or under a full moon
or stars...

But he'll end up all alone,
he'll fall

like a bowling pln,
like a bull

at a bullfight.
You can hear a slgh...

Poor ratl
l can do it all.
l may be small
but I don't suck my thumb.

Daddy, if Tito goes to Spain
and you stay here,

you won't sing

-Yeah, more or less.
-That sucks!

ltalways happens when people
are together a Iong time.

They separate
and go their own ways.
Does that mean Tito won't come
camping at the beach?

No, he won't.
-Who'Il take us?
-Aunt Betty's husband.

l Iike Tito's car better.
l know, baby.
l can't go camping with you.

Why not?
Because I have to work
at Chari's club with Luz Maria.

Tomorrow's concert is expensive
and I have to pay for it.

Come on, spend the day with us.
We'lI make a bonfire
like last time

and I'Il sing
"Street Rat Rapper."
