
I need to ask if you're
a member of the Smith family,

I'm sorry, but I'm only
permitted to inform you

that Mr, Smith was deceased on arrival,
and that all other inquiries
must be made tomorrow morning

through the county coroner's office,
If you'd like, I could give you the...
- You good?
- Hell, no, I'm not good, Jeff,

The man needs a hospital,
Damn, man, what the hell's going on?

It's not just his life you're saving,
Stay off the radio, You want to get
in touch with me, call me on my cell phone,

- What?
- Did I not say

nobody was to go in or out of the house?
Now Smith is dead.
What do you care if Smith's dead?
You said all you wanted was a DVD,

Dumb fuck. You wait for my people
or I will cut your daughter's heart out.

Fuck you,
Go ahead, Kill my family,
Kill me,
But before you do,
I'm gonna get in Smith's house,

I'm gonna box up
all that dead motherfucker's DVDs,

and you and the feds
can bid on 'em on eBay,

How's that, smart fuck?
I guess we still need each other,
don't we?

