Inside Deep Throat

Obscenity does indeed effect,
The effect it has
is detrimental to society,

Charles Keating was
a notorious censorship bug.

Later on, of course,
we discovered he was
a good deal more.

He was a swindler
and went to prison.

The president said today,
''So long as I am
in the White House,

''there will be no relaxation
of the national effort

to control
and eliminate smut, ''

Then Nixon persuaded
the Senate

to reject the report,
suppressing its findings,

Everybody forgot about
the President's commission
on pornography,

because they--they
didn't come out

with the answer
they were looking for.

lnstead, Nixon got reelected,
after being declared
politically dead,

and the forces of repression
came in,

in a huge, huge way.
(Gore Vidal)
He knew all the buttons
to press,

[crowd clamoring]
l mean, everybody starts
to vibrate like a gong.

we lie about human sexuality,
because we're taught
to lie about everything.

When you have a nation
that totally lies,

then you have
no reality.

The message was clear,:

Cleaning up porn
was good politics,

And what better place to start
than Times Square,

the nation's capital of sleaze
and the site
of Deep Throat's premiere

in June 1972,
(Judge Tyler)
A good many
of the so-called perverts

are attracted to 42nd Street
and we've had complaints.
[siren blaring]
Suddenly, I see a movie
that knocks my socks off,

And here's
the wonderful thing:
