
My investigation concludes that...
BAE must have gotten KANG,
who's CHA's right hand.

I bet, 'cause we're getting closer
to them and CHA is still missing.

How about giving up on Seung-hee...
And launch an all out attack
on the Whacker Gang?

It's not like we couldn't do that!
But it's just not an option!

We can't beat them that way.
I'm sure
their next target is Seung-hee.

It's time to tell her the truth and
put her under protective custody.

It sounds like you want to
give up the mission.

Look, detective JOH!
I'm not thinking about giving up...
but while undercover
I can't guarantee her safety!

I don't think
they're after Seung-hee.

If so, they could've
gotten her earlier.

Just a small slit up could ruin
everything and BAE'll walk!

But I can'tjust sit back and
watch, knowing she's a target!

A little advice, don't allow your
emotions to interfere with work.

Just like you did
with Hammer!

- What...?
- Jane!

Jane, you keep an eye on her.
Detective JOH, get evidence
of KANG being held by BAE.

And me, sir?
Hey, KANG!
You know how much I wanted
to get Hammer, right?

Of course, you didn't even hesitate
to offer to be sold to the Japanese!

- What?
- Sorry.

And JOH just slyly slid right in when
everything was perfectly in place.
