Just Like Heaven

David. David, come here.
- What? What?
- There's nothing worth stealing here.

- There's no money, no drugs.
- I'm not stealing anything.

OK. I'm sure there's
a homeless shelter nearby.

I will give you money
for cab fare and a good meal.

But please, don't blow it
on more beer, OK?

I am not homeless. I live here.
OK. You can't live here,
because I live here.

This is my apartment.
- Since when?
- Since I rented it.

- You rented it.
- Yeah.

- You know what? I don't need this.
- What?

- Rent scam, right?
- What are you talking about?

There's probably five other people
who paid deposits and got the keys.

- And moved in all their things?
- Yeah... What?

This is my stuff. All of this.
That's my couch,
that's my coffee table.

Is that a ring?
Have you ever heard
of a coaster?

Or a trash can, for that matter?
I don't care who you are, you're gonna
mop that up. I'm getting the bucket.

It's like a pig
moved into my house.

- What?
- Like a filthy pig.

You... You moved in when?
