Just Like Heaven

- David.
- Building.

So, you don't know about the accident.
Oh, God, David. I remember it.
It was awful.
I was... I've been away.
It was three months ago.
Three months.
I'm sorry.
I was away for awhile
on a business trip.

Oh, my God.
What was that?
You were, like, flying.

Oh, my God. It's you.
It's you, it's really you.
You're... you're not dead,
you're alive.

I know, David, but I'm in a coma.
This is not good.

Well, it's way better than dead.
Look at you.
Your body is healing, it's...

You don't have any scars.
You look pretty.

It doesn't matter how I look.
Three months,
that's a persistent coma.

We're here now.
Let's do something.

Like what?
Like... I don't know.
You're the doctor.

Right. Right.
- Forget it.
- What?

I was gonna say that we...
I need to find a way
to put myself together again.

OK, good, good. That's great.
How do we do that?

Maybe I should try this.
