King Kong

Jimmy, do a head count.
I want to know how many
are injured and how bad.

Four of us are dead!
It's not your fault.
What happened to Herb
is no one's fault.

You're absolutely right,

And I'll tell you
something else.

Herbert didn't die
for nothing.

He died for what he believed
in, and I'm gonna honor that.

He died believing there was still
some mystery left in this world.

And we could all
have a piece of it...

for the price
of an admission ticket.

God damn it, Preston, we're
gonna finish this film for Herb.

We'll finish it...
and donate the proceeds
to his wife and kids.

All right, we gotta
get back to the ship.

Englehorn sails in nine hours.
So? We gotta find Miss Darrow.

Hey, do you hear me? We're
gonna be stranded here.

Look, fellows, Miss Darrow
was a great gal, no question.

And she was
a wonderful person.

It's a terrible loss
and we're all gonna miss her.

I always knew you were nothing like
the tough guy you play on screen.

I just never figured you
for a coward.

Hey, pal! Hey, wake up.
