Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

A minute was robbing Xboxes
in East Village...

... and to the following one I am
taking champaƱa in Los Angeles

And your a that you dedicate yourself?
I am distant invents the
dices when he was young

And your?
I act a little
I want to see who but this aqui
In aim thus it arrives
at the celebration

With Harmony. History is different
Some say that I arrive aqui by the Giant
Robot. Soon it will show to them

For that it was not no robot.
He was destined to be aqui

Skies, watch that legs!
Not that that has something to
see whereupon she this aqui

He is racist, in serious!
The other criminals make fun of of,
despise it, but suddenly they need it

It is so good, as a light
beacon or what is

So that it is different to say: "you
do not speak with Reggie, is black

But it hopes, is good for the
Denle basketball a contract "?

Rudolph, Reggie...
Harmony Faiht Lane was the typical
girl of Los Angeles, that
is that was not born aqui

It was born in a small town
of the south of Indiana

"If you do not know that to make bush
a pig", that was the motto of the town

Like many girls on the verge of lying
down to lose, Harmony was very ready

Of course it is necessary to give
credit him, had a fabulous mentor


Veto the devil, Jonny Gossamer!
His fit dress was put
It seems that fit too much
Jonny spoke from the paginas
of a paperback book...

... and it counted of a well-known
engaged earth like the Coast...

... and a magical city
called Los Angeles

In agreement they passed the years
she wished outside that real

It wished that it go to Indiana
to save to its hermanita, Jenna

But Jonny never appeared
And soon the type died that wrote books
To the 16 years... one went
