Last Days

you know, if you
actually go there...

when you come out,
it can be
very frustrating.

I don't know,
it's just hard...
it's hard to speak

with other...
because you're speaking
like a different, uh...

Thank you
for your time.

Um, in the book...
- in the cover, there's scriptures...
- These?

Yes, and our phone number
if you have any questions.

- Thanks for the book.
- Thank you for having us inside.
- Nice to meet you.
- You have a good day.

Our number's in there
and if you could read over the scriptures
and then give us a call if you have any questions

- All right.
- We have services on Sunday
from... at 9:00.

Um, okay.
You guys talk to Jesus for real?
Huh? Huh?

Then one day he thought the way
to make money...

there are a lot of...
a lot of people who had
exotic backgrounds in vaudeville.

There was a Chinese magician named Ching Ling Foo
who was doing really well.

So Billy Robinson sort of disappeared
and he resurfaced
as a Chinese magician

named Chung Ling Soo.
