Layer Cake

They already have.
That's the problem, kidder.

That prick Duke's made us look
a bunch of fucking amateurs.

I told you he was trouble. But he ain't
gonna drag me down with him.

Try Gene again. What a fucking show-up!
- He's not answering, Mort.
- OK.

Try Jimmy at home.
- You sure?
- Will you fucking ring him?

- Where are we going, Morty?
- Back to that boat-yard.

- Somebody's about to get a fucking slap.
- Yes, Morty. About fucking time.

What a way to go. An iron burning a hole
in your chest until your heart boils.

Paulie would've told him anything, then,
wouldn't he?

You see, that's what happens
when you do business with loons.

Clarkie, have a sniff about. Make some
phone calls, but really quietly.

Find out where the Duke's holed up.
We're gonna need an insurance policy.
