Le Temps qui reste

Has the cancer spread?
We'll do everything to cure you.
I will not lie to you.
There's a high risk...

...that the tumor will resist treatment,
and keep growing instead.

Can't it be taken out?

As I told you,
the tumor is spreading in multiple organs.
It's inoperable

What's more, the tests have not identified
the point of origin.

What about treatment?
Drugs, radiotherapy
Drugs, as in chemotherapy?

Out of the question.
A friend of my parents'
died from cancer 2 years ago.

He had chemo, lost his hair,
stopped eating, suffered horribly...

Do not compare.
Each cancer, each chemotherapy is different.

What are my chances for remission?
There's a slight chance,
but it exists.

You are 31. You will fight.
'Slight', does that mean 50%
or 5% odds?

5%, right?
Yes, roughly.
Even less than 5%?
Unfortunately. Yes.
Without treatment,
how long do I have?

Difficult to answer.
We're talking averages here.

In similar cases, 3 months.
But it could be 1 month. Or 1 year.
I don't see the point of heavy stuff
like chemo.

It won't work anyway.
I do not judge you.
You are young;
I would rather you fight.

Even if your chances are small,
they are not nil.
