Le Temps qui reste

We didn't go for a walk in the woods.
We could go tomorrow morning, before you leave.

Never mind.
I just wanted to see the spot where
we built a hut with Sophie.

There are a few bits of it left.
Look at all I have to take:
anti oxydation.
this is for the skin,
this for the hair,
this for bones, against osteoporosis.
this is some type of Omega,
You see, with all this,
I will die in excellent health.
Don't talk nonsense.
That's true.
You know, Romain...

Tonight, I would like to leave with you.
I don't know what to do.
I don't know what's good.

I follow my instinct.
After your grandfather's death, I was
a wreck. I thought I was gonna die.

So I left, I fled.
I abandoned my child. Your father.

I could not take care of him anymore,
it was not possible.

I kept seeing Jacques in his smile,
in his eyes.

I was called a bad mother, a whore even.
