Lord of War

I sell to pacifists,
but they're not the most regular of

Of course, you're not a true

...until you've supplied weapons
to kill your own countrymen.
This current state of chaos won't
last forever.

There'll have to be order.
Instead of cutting each other's throats,
it may be beneficial if we work together.
What do you think?
What do I think?
I think you are the amateur now,
and I think you should go with
your instincts.

With your first instinct.
I'm the same man who was not
good enough for you before...
and I'm just not good enough
for you now.

The problem with gunrunners
going to war

is that there's no shortage of ammunition.
This was the chaos
that the Old Guard had always feared.
As far as they were concerned,
I was giving arms dealers a bad name.
But they could hardly report me
to the Better Business Bureau.

And Ukraine wasn't the only former state...
with an unpaid army and stockpiles of guns.
There was Bulgaria, Hungary,
Poland, Belarus...

all there for the taking.
Of all the weapons in the vast
Soviet arsenal...

nothing was more profitable than
Avtomat Kalashnikova,

model of 1947,
more commonly known as the
AK-47... or kalashnikov.

It's the world's most popular
assault rifle

a weapon all fighters love.
An elegantly simple nine-pound
amalgamation of forged steel
and plywood.

It doesn't break, jam, or overheat.
