Mad Hot Ballroom

T- A-N-G.
Gentlemen, where's my tango face?
A- N-G-O.
T- A-N-G-O.
Make believe, everyone,
when you're doing tango.

You're imitating some cat moves.
Very, very sneaky ways.
It's my fault?
Michael, step right.
That was terrible.
Time for surprise partner, surprise dance.
Everybody sit.
Okay. Wilson and Katherine.
Your feet are not together, Katherine.
Five, six, ready, begin.
This boy that I've had my eye on,
his name's Wilson.

He's developing into a very good dancer.
He doesn't know the language...
but he fits right in because
everybody's supporting him.

And I see him in the process
of learning these dances...

he's also learning the language.
I'm also looking at Katherine,
but I still have my doubts.

I'm not too sure yet.
- Surprise, surprise.
- Surprise, surprise.

You and...
Okay, this is the last one,
because we're out of time.
