Mad Hot Ballroom

You bring arts,
you bring out all of these programs.

And then a few years down the line...
you'll see these kids out in the street and...
That's not what we want for these kids.
But I have this drive and this passion
that I wish I could just...

get inside these kids
and, like, slap them and say...

"Here, you know, you're worth it,
you're an individual.

"You'll better yourself. "
But, you know, unfortunately,
it doesn't work that way with everybody.

And I can only do what I can.
Sexy, looking at your partner.
Look at him, he's gorgeous!

Stop moving your hands.
Okay, now everybody will sit.
As you're sitting, you're resting.
Jonathan, are you... Is there a problem?
Have you danced with Karina
so she can get her practice for today?

Only because you're tall?
It's okay. Go ahead, Karina and Jonathan.
No, no, no.
No? Why not?
You dance with all the other girls,
but not with Karina.

- For a reason.
- For a reason?

What was that reason?
That's how bad you want to be
in this competition...

that you can't dance
with the girls I pick for you?

Okay. Then I know what I'm doing.
Everybody, back up.
If you have a partner, come up. Jonathan?
Can't deal with it.
Either you dance or you don't.

- I don't.
- Good-bye.
