Man to Man

I'm frightened .
I have a bad feeling .
I always thought your idea
was insane.

Our research will be a huge
significance to the world .

If only you knew how I prayed
that Jamie would fail .

I just k eep thinking . . .
What if they're dead?

Here is our eagle how
quite she is a lioness.

Some parrots, the monk eys.
Don't go too close to the
apes, they can be vicious.

The Cheetah and
the sweet litlle wart hog .

-Very good, madam.
-When should I get the document?

We'll have to go through
a regulation .

-The zoo is expecting them.
-I do my best.

Now the real work begins.
my little fellow.

Don't worry,
I'll k eeping my distance.
