Man to Man

Jamie. . . forgive me.
It's important.
Alexander wants to see you,
he discovered something .

Any luck with Lik ola's song?
I'm sorry. there was nothing
. . .as indeterminated birsong .

You really can't call it

Jamie come and have a look.
I think they've been
drawing things on the wall .

You see !
I'm sorry,
I can't see a thing .

What are you doing?
Open the door!

No, I won't open because
I refuse to risk losing . . .

everything because
of your madness.

You've trained those p y gmies
against me !

Your litlle savage
tried to kill me !

What are you talking about?
Where are they?
They need me by their side.

They are safe,
that's all you need to know.

Ready for their great day.
-If you've harmed them. . .
-Why are you against me?

Why do you try
to destroy everything?

This isn't about you and me.
We've tak en the wrong road .

It's a criminal act to present
the p y gmies as the missing link.
