Melinda and Melinda

- You really think I'm ready for it?
- I do.

You're among the two or three
most talented students in my class,

and the sooner you challenge yourself,
the better.

You're the only one who makes me feel
confident enough to take chances.

Aren't you nervous bringing me back here?
It's OK. My wife's shopping, then going to
lunch. She's always shopping and lunching.

She grew up shopping and lunching.
Her mother did, and her grandmother.

You shouldn't really drink so early in the day.
Shopping and lunching's what you get
when you marry a Park Avenue princess.

- What does your wife do?
- Besides shopping?

She teaches tin-eared teenagers
at a music school a few days a week.

It's funny, but life has a malicious way
of dealing with great potential.

My God. Get...
I just got back from my job interview.
I don't think it went too well,
so just stopped off for a little pick-me-up.

- You OK?
- Yeah.

Yeah. Well, I'm gonna go and meet Laurel and
Cassie for lunch in our old neighbourhood.

I'm just gonna go freshen up.
- The park hasn't changed a bit.
- Not at all. It brings back so many memories.

Those days are gone when the three of us
thought we could call the shots.

What I wouldn't give to wake up
and find my life has been a bad dream
