Mobsters and Mormons

Um, I'm Louise Means.
I'm Linda Cheeseman.
This is my husband, George.

Nice to meet you, George.
These are for you.
Thank you. Have a seat.
Oh, thanks.
So, where did you move from?
Omaha, Nebraska.
You have a slight Eastern accent.
We're from the eastern side.
So, anything you want to know about
the neighborhood or the neighbors?

I got a question.
You're not going to come knocking
on my door 8:00 AM Saturday, are you?

Why would somebody do that?
Come on. I know you people.
It's what you do.

You go door-to-door,
knock, knock, knock,

talking to people,
preaching your Mormon Bible.

Meanwhile, inside are staying down
trying not to make a noise,

so you think we're not home.
So, you're not members?
Members of what?
Louise hasn't wasted any time
burning up the phone lines

letting people know
they're not members of the Church.

I just hope
she hasn't offended them.

We'll do a little damage control.
We'll show them the rest of us
are just regular, normal people.

Um, we can see you've got a lot
of unpacking to do.

We didn't want to intrude.
We just wanted to come over and
introduce ourselves... say "Hello."

No, it's no intrusion;
it's very nice of yous.

Something to drink?
Oh no.
No, let us get you something.
Okay, great.
Thank you.

I'll get you a beer.
Uh, no.
That's okay.
