Mobsters and Mormons

Kill 'im twice.
...his glorious resurrection
and ascension into heaven,

and ready to greet him
when he comes again.

We offer you in thanksgiving
this holy and living sacrifice.

Excuse me.
Father, not for nuthin',
but it's just the two of us?

Nobody else?
There was an altar boy once,
but he left for college.

My husband said
yous guys was comin' over.

I can't...

I said, "My husband said
yous guys was comin'..."

Hey, where'd you go?
I came home from church
and went to the store.

You get the capicola?
Excuse me; I'm trying to have
a conversation here.

With who?
These are the seven-thirties.
If you'll... just stand there,
I'll do that.
We're not a "big box" here.
I like to call it a customized store.
So, you'll find seven-thirties,

Brother James.
President Perry, good to see you.
How are you?
I'm fine.
My wife has me fixing the gate,

and I'm looking for
some specific hinges.

Yes, yes.
Hinges, I can take care of that.
Let me introduce you
to George here, first.

He just moved in a few weeks ago.
This is President Perry.
He's a stake president,
we call that.

He's a sort of the leader
of many of the local congregations.

Like a president.
Like president of the Mormons?
Something like that, yeah.
What, you want to be
the teamsters now?

The Mormon Jimmy Hoffa?
Did I mention that George
is from Omaha?

My son served a mission to Omaha.
Bet he knocked on your door.
Well, if he did,
I didn't answer it, Mr. Hoffa.

The hinge aisle, President,
is just over in this area.
