Mobsters and Mormons

What kind of money
do employees make?

Minimum wage.
And it looks like you're doing
pretty well here.

It's a beautiful store.
Well, yes.
That's why you're responsible.
Let's talk about back dues.
Now, unfortunately,
I'm not able to wipe out

an entire 12-month period
of back dues.

However, what I can do is
I can only go back three months.

So, that's this month
plus three months of back dues.

That would be $2,000
you have to pay.

That's a lot of money!
Is it Mrs. Eastlack?
Is it really?

Don't you think it's
in everyone's best interest?

You wouldn't want
a strike now, would you?

Oh yes, ma'am.
Your employees parading
up and down that beautiful sidewalk,

carrying large signs,
and screaming

about how unfairly
they're being treated.

We are very fair.
That's why you have
to pay the $2,000.

Well, will you take
a check?

Do you have a driver's license
and a major credit card?

What can I get you?
Yeah, could I get a pound
of your capicola?

I'm sorry?
Produce section is back there.
It's not produce; it's ham.
We have boiled ham.
I don't want boiled ham.
I want capicola ham.

Hey, uh... do we have any uh...
cappuccino ham?

Yeah, that.
It's a ham.
We have boiled ham.
I don't want boiled ham.
I want cap... never mind.

Oh great! Name brand.
What is this, detergent?
What happened to the Pop-Tarts?
Hey, Kate.
Are you okay?
Oh, hi.
No. It's nuthin'.
I'm fine. Honestly.

Oh, honey.
Honey, what is it?
