Must Love Dogs

Good Lord, it's a gusher,
Let me see your teeth,
-Hey, bubba,
-Look who's here,

-Are you all right?
-Yep, l'm fine,

He had a decent bloody nose
for a while, but he's fine now,

-You didn't have to rush right over,
-A kid bleeds, l show up, lt's house rules,

-You wanna get your stuff together now?

-Then l need a minute alone with Ms, Nolan,
-Okay, Bye, Ms, Nolan,

No, No, No,
So, Ms, Nolan,,,,
-Sarah, please,
-And l'm Bob,

Actually, everybody calls me Bobby,
l've been trying to change it
since third grade,

l'm a pushover for Bobbys,,,
,,,ever since my first boyfriend,
Bobby Healy, just,,,,

You know?
l forget, is it ''always discuss your personal
history with parents'' or ''never discuss''?

lt's ''always discuss,''
Besides, l find it comforting,

So has Austin told you
anything about,,,?

-About you and--

That you're taking a break from
your marriage and you're incorrigible,

That phrasing came from his mother,
-l wouldn't have put it that way, but--
-l'm sorry,

lf there's anything you think
l need to know, tell me,

-l will,
-Sometimes with Austin, you can forget,

-Because he seems so mature,
-l know,

The other day he asked
about my retirement plan,

Well, he cares about you, and he
wants you to be financially secure,

You know Austin adores you,
l can see why,

-Thank you, Bob,
-l might prefer Bobby after all,

l mean, l like the,,,,
l like the history,
