Must Love Dogs

She slept with half the guys
in my office,

She's in her early 20s, You know
the epic narrative l talked about?

Hers would not only be secret,
it would be incoherent,

l wouldn't get past the cover page,
l mean, l'm looking
for something more than Sherry,

''Hopelessly romantic,
young 50s widower,,,

,,,seeks lady friend who enjoys
the slow bloom of affection,

Loves dogs, children
and long, meandering bike rides,

l will be carrying
a single yellow rose,''

-l gotta meet this guy,
-Where are your boob shirts?

-My what?
-Your boob shirts,

-Don't worry, l brought some of mine,
-Oh, boob shirts,

-l can't wear that,
-Okay, l have some dating tips for you,

l got them from Sports Illustrated,
Solid gold,

Yes, that's always been my bible
for personal relationships,

At least listen to the tips,
-Your sister has gone to a lot of trouble,

''One, maintain eye contact,
But be sure it isn't too intense,
You aren't a hawk eyeing its prey,''

Good that you told me,
l might have done my hawk thing,

''Two, men respond sexually when
they think women are excited by them,''

-''The more you like what you see,,,

,,,the more your pupils
will open wide to take it all in,''

Open your pupils,
Oh, my God,
-l'm dating again, l can't do this!
-lt's okay, Come on,

-No, you'll be fine, it's okay,
-lt'll be fun,

What if he wants to have sex?
What if l want to?

You don't understand, lt's been
a long time, Christine, l could freak out,

What if l can't control myself?
You're meeting for muffins
in a public place, l think you'll be safe,


My darling girl,
