Must Love Dogs

l'm not sure l'm up for this dinner
at Dad's new girlfriend's house,

-He seems really excited about her,
-Where are Marc and Jason?

They took the kids
to Magic Mountain,

The kids didn't even really
want to go, The dads whined,

Well, they're so spoiled, those dads,
So how was your day today?
At the dog park?

-How did you know about that?
-Who do you think you're dealing with?

-You're good, l have to give you that,
-So come on,

-Tell me,

We got off to kind of a rough start,
But then it was okay, you know?

He was a little intense, He was nervous,
He couldn't stop insulting me,

You know what this sounds like,
-No, it's not, Don't say it,
-But it is, lt's a growth opportunity,

l'm not over my last growth opportunity
when you stole Danny Shea,

Will you forget Danny Shea?
He's probably a convicted felon,,,

,,,by now, divorced,
-Maybe you should call him,

What about that guy you met
at preschool? You maimed his kid?

-Bob Connor,
-Yeah, Mr, lncorrigible,

l told you, l can't,
He's the father of one of my students,

Yes, honey, but he's not your father,
That's a big step forward for you,


-What a lovely home you have, Dolly,
-Thank you,

When my third husband died,
l decided to give up the big house,

Third out of how many?
And these potholders?
Where did you manage to find them?
Why, everything in this house
is handmade by Dolly,

Oh, yes, She's very creative,
Our mother used to sew all our clothes
when we were younger,

-Well, she did,

Your father told me
all about your mother, honey,
