
And because I'm the one
who knows people in Christiania.

A pusher frau.
She waits on drug users,
who come around to buy drugs.

I get them coffee,
while they tell me I look good -

- because they want to suck up to
the pusher, who couldn't care less.

He's too stoned to notice anything.
That's Asger.

He's pretty spaced out
and indifferent. To me as well.

But it wasn't like that
in the beginning.

He used to be a bouncer. Big and
strong, with a sexy tattoo on his ass.

With Asger it was so different!
He ate pussy like nobody else.

He was so good at it, and I felt
I was in love for the first time ever.

Asger is not a bouncer anymore.
He's a full-time pusher.

He's on 6 grams a day, and he has
a crazy idea of becoming a tattooist.

He started tattooing some bananas,
and then he got a roast pork -

- and now he's dragged half
a goddamn pig into our living-room.

It's so gross!
